Dr. Jean Paul Lim, MD, FRCPC

Owner, Internal Medicine, Complex Care, and Longevity Specialist

Jean-Paul grew up in Toronto, Ontario before moving to Vancouver, BC to complete a four year Bachelor of Science in Microbiology on an academic scholarship, a four year Medical Degree, a 3 year residency in Internal Medicine, a one year fellowship in General Internal Medicine, and finally a 6 month Echocardiography fellowship to obtain a level 2 Echocardiography certification, all done at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

After completing his medical training more than 13 years ago, Jean Paul’s practice of complex care for patients has taught him the importance of a holistic approach to medical care in order to keep his patients healthy and well. He has kept at the forefront of healthy living by continuously educating himself on different health-related topics.

He has completed his anti-aging courses with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) as well as become a medical leader in the medicinal cannabis space. His passion is in exploring different approaches to health and then finding ways to integrate them all into a comprehensive and cohesive model where the person is seen for their entirety.

Fundamentally, he believes that health is best treated proactively rather than retroactively and that in order to attain true health, one must build a solid foundation comprised of proper diet, exercise, and nutrients before addressing other more complex issues. His vision is to refocus the expectation and treatment of human health to look at the person as a whole rather than simply a sum of their parts, as the body is designed to live in balance and harmony.

In his free time, Jean-Paul most enjoys spending time with his wife and young children and playing a variety of sports.

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